Effective Engagement for Mass Mobilization to Address Climate Change

Group 3 members
About this Group

This is a group to share successful engagement strategies for mobilizing large numbers of people to address climate change through holding corporate, governmental and institutional leaders to account for the contributions they make to the carbon budget – either reducing carbon output, or increasing carbon sinks.  Special interest is in mobilizing average citizens with no particular interest or connection to climate change.  What strategies are attracting people to take action in their neighborhood groups, religious institutions, schools, and other civic groups?

The most effective long-term solutions to the climate crisis will engage the largest number of people across broad sections of society, crossing economic (class), ethnic, religious and racial lines.  Long term solutions will need to work for all groups in society, or else there will be back lash that slows our progress, and possibly interrupts our ability to successfully address the crisis.  This group will gather and share the most effective engagement strategies with special attention to those strategies which engage people normally left out of climate discussions or solutions.