
A space for networks and groups to pursue joint opportunities, share ideas, and collaborate.

Nigerian Climate Finance Transition Group

Nigeria’s economy is extremely vulnerable to the impacts of climate change due to a high exposure to sectors such as agriculture, transportation, and…
11 Members

Learning Circularity By Networking Cultural Islands

The aim is to connect people across the globe who are making action plans to adopt a circular, steady state economy.  They are digital spaces…
10 Members

Policymakers' Community of Practice on the Green Transition - Latin America and Asia South-South Collaboration

COMMUNITY OF PRACTICE ENABLING BUSINESS TRANSITION TO THE GREEN ECONOMY What is our Purpose? Targeted government policies are emerging to enable…
5 Members
Green Industry

Nigeria Green Industry Network

The Nigerian Green Industry Network aims to serve as a platform for processing and manufacturing companies in the country. Its purpose is to…
5 Members

Gender and Energy Compact

The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), ENERGIA International Network on Gender and Sustainable Energy (ENERGIA) and Global…
6 Members

Global Research & Action Network for a New Eco-Social Contract

The purpose of the Global Research and Action Network for a New Eco-Social Contract is to explore the promise of a new eco-social contract as a way…
5 Members
Congo Basin IP

The Congo Basin Impact Community

Located in Central Africa, the Congo Basin contains the earth’s second largest area of contiguous moist tropical forests, stretching from the Gulf of…
4 Members
Large globe amidst marchers in 2016 NYC Climate March

Effective Engagement for Mass Mobilization to Address Climate Change

This is a group to share successful engagement strategies for mobilizing large numbers of people to address climate change through holding corporate…
3 Members