Ways to engage

Welcome to the Green Forum!

Here’s a quick introduction to start engaging with other Green Forum members and sharing with the community upcoming green growth-related activities.

A key feature of the Green Forum is the Discussions and Groups, a dedicated space that hosts focused interactions and content sharing. The flexibility of Discussions and Groups allows the space to assume multiple roles, from a first online presence for smaller green growth initiatives, to a public conversation on green growth challenges and research.

Discussions and Groups can be created based on community demand. While Discussions allow users to join freely, Groups offer a unique space for certain clusters to collaborate on specific challenges or projects while maintaining a degree of confidentiality.

Through the Green Forum users can follow events that inform the community of upcoming relevant activities. Users can also catch up on latest news on the green economy.

It is important for members to ensure that the community serves as a safe and comfortable space to exchange ideas. Please take the time to read our community guidelines:


  • No defamation, abuse, harassment, stalk, threat or otherwise violate the legal rights (such as rights of privacy and publicity) of others. No posting, distributing or disseminating any defamatory, infringing, obscene, indecent or unlawful material or information. No uploading or attaching files that contain software or other material protected by intellectual property laws (or by rights of privacy and publicity) unless the member owns or controls the rights or has received all consents therefore as may be required by law. No posting of any material that would transmit harmful software. No uploading or attaching files that contain viruses, corrupted files or any other similar software or programs that may damage the operation of another's computer.


  • Members shall be responsible for ensuring that their respective content is accurate, and that their respective content does not infringe on proprietary rights of any third party.
  • The content does not necessarily reflect the views of the Green Forum.

Green Forum rights 

  • The Green Forum and Group administrators reserve the right to refuse or remove any content that violates these Terms of Use
  • The Green Forum has the right to terminate accounts at their discretion if the rules of engagement are deemed to have been breached by the user. 

By continuing, you consent to follow all terms laid out by the Green Forum’s Terms of Use. If you encounter content or post that you believe violates the guidelines, please report it to us for review by clicking the 'flag as inappropriate' button.