Why Join

As a member of the Green Forum, you will be part of a global community focused on sharing and discussing the latest information, ideas, challenges, and opportunities for achieving a sustainable economic transition. The Forum will provide users with:  

  • Ease of communication with peers worldwide to build expertise and make new connections to share the latest knowledge and trends;
  • Opportunities to ask questions and get answers and advice from experts or peers with similar challenges or relevant experiences;
  • Space to engage on joint opportunities and projects;
  • Greater visibility and awareness for their organisation, initiative, project, or event; and
  • Access to inspirational content and conversations.

Green Forum offers specific features, which facilitate information sharing, connections with experts and stakeholders, and collaboration with peers to create innovative solutions.

  • Discussions are open spaces focused on relevant and timely themes and sectors. Signup for the Green Forum to create a profile and participate in these conversations.
  • Groups provide members with the opportunity to create an online space to collaborate on specific themes, projects, and initiatives. A Group is managed by a “Group Manager(s)”, who moderates conversations, reviews announcements, and has the ability to create sub-groups to enable more focused conversations. Group members can engage in conversations and upload relevant knowledge, events, and opportunities to share with the Group.
  • Opportunities, such as jobs and calls for papers and proposals, are highlighted on a dedicated page where members can search for and share new opportunities.
  • Blogs from experts are featured on the Forum.
  • Events are highlighted on a dedicated page, where members can search for and share new events, with direct links so Forum users can join.
  • Personal Feed. As soon as a user registers with the Forum and creates their profile, they will be able to view a personalized feed that compiles updates and  posts related to Discussions and Groups they join or content they follow. By updating users' preferences and engaging with conversations or activities, they can create a more personalized feed with content that’s relevant to them. 

You can log in to the Green Forum if you already have an account to stay informed with the latest posts and participate in the conversation, otherwise sign up to create one.