Getting started

1. To start using the Green Forum, you need to register.

You will need to create a username and password and log on with your email. You will receive an email to verify your account before your first login, followed by a welcome message once you are successfully logged in.


2. After signing up, you will need to complete you profile page.

To better connect with other members and enhance your experience using the Green Forum, you are encouraged to complete your profile, including which organization you are from and your interests. To complete registration, you will need to check your email to verify your account.


3. Once you are registered, you can edit your profile and account settings.

To edit your profile, scroll through the page, adding relevant personal info and contact details, including your occupation and social media accounts. You can also select Discussions and Groups you are most interested in so that you can better link up on the Green Forum with other people with similar interests.

To add a profile and banner picture, select and upload your own. Make sure it is the right size as prompted. Be sure to write something to tell the community about yourself in the self-introduction box.


4. Finally, edit your account settings.

Feel free to change your username, email and password. You can also choose how often you want to receive email notifications. We recommend you leave email notifications on, so that you will not miss out on Green Forum activity updates.

Congratulations, you are now set up and ready to be part of the Green Forum!