NDC Behavioural Change Communications and Outreach Specialist in Antigua and Barbuda
Clarissa Lehne
Clarissa Lehne   5 December 2023
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Organization : NDC Partnership
Opportunity Type : Jobs
Posting Date :
Closing Date :

With NDC Partnership support, Antigua and Barbuda updated and submitted an ambitious NDC to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in September 2021 with a mitigation target of 86% renewable energy generation from local sources by 2030. The NDC Partnership is supporting Antigua and Barbuda on the implementation of its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC), development of an NDC Financing Strategy, development of a blended finance window with its national environmental fund and mainstreaming climate change planning into national procedures and processes.  

The Department has submitted a request to the NDC Partnership for an In-country NDC Behavioural Change Communications and Outreach Specialist to support the coordination of communications around NDC implementation, with a key focus on the energy transition and just transition. The Specialist will provide key technical support to influence behavior change of stakeholders through communication and outreach strategies and campaigns. These stakeholders include workers affected by the transition, private sector interest groups, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), the youth, members of vulnerable groups, and small medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs). The Behavioural Change Communications and Outreach Specialist will also support national delegates and negotiators in the preparation for, during and after national climate change conferences and other meetings organized by funding agencies and partners.

Transparency and effective communication will enable the public and relevant stakeholders to gain a clear picture of national climate actions and encourage buy-in, support and collaboration around national priorities. The position directly contributes to the achievement of just transition commitments of the NDC and aligns with the Action for Climate Empowerment’s (ACE) six elements - climate change education and public awareness, training, public participation, public access to information, and international cooperation. 

The behavioural change communications and outreach technical assistance will help to close communication gaps for key stakeholders on the contents of the NDC. Additionally, it will contribute to accelerating the rate of implementing the adaptation priorities in the NDC. This entire activity will build on the current support being received by Antigua and Barbuda through the NDC Partnership’s Partnership Action Fund and previous support through the Climate Action Enhancement Package Initiative.

Countries : Antigua and Barbuda