Anastasiya Buchok
Anastasiya Buchok   4 December 2023
Post in NIP Update
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Hello NIP colleagues!

Sharing another valuable piece of information on POPs developed by IPEN with you!

Waste incineration is often presented as a solution to waste management issues, offering an alternative to landfills. However, this process results in the generation of toxic ash and residues, constituting approximately 30% of the original waste volume. Unfortunately, these byproducts are often improperly disposed of, leading to environmental pollution and potential exposure to Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs). Municipal waste incineration not only destroys valuable resources but also transforms non-toxic materials into hazardous ash. The report highlights the inadequate regulation of waste incineration, emphasizing the need for globally adopted "Low POPs Content Levels" to treat and destroy POPs-contaminated residues. Key findings reveal a significant underestimation of dioxins in waste incineration fly ash, raising concerns about its widespread reuse, especially in agriculture, posing risks to food chains. The report advocates for a phased-out approach to waste incineration in favor of non-combustion waste treatment methods, addressing the global impact of toxic ash on the environment and human health.