Rob Kara
Rob Kara   23 January 2024
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Hi everybody,

I'm looking for a scaling partner (e.g. hospital, healthcare provider, DHB etc) in the healthcare industry to help me implement and test my solution for a global cooperative forum or circular economy.

Basically how the system works is by delegating SMEs or stakeholders within the healthcare industry the ability to create policies together and to implement those polices or the rules that make up those policies as forums.

End users or other stakeholders would then join the forum(s) to help manage those rules at scale or in real-time.

This is a new approach toward a circular economy and has taken me several years to figure out the nuts and bolts of how information and business processes can operate sustainably or at scale.

If anybody has got any friends or know of anybody working in the healthcare industry and who might be interested in helping me test and implement this solution then please reach out.

This approach doesn't just apply to the healthcare industry and can also be applied to other industries including food, energy, education, housing and so on.

This approach targets SDG-11 Sustainable Cities and Communities and SDG-17 Partnerships for the Goals.

Thank you!

PS: I have included a link to the image attached to this post as I found the image to be somewhat blurry.