Steve Oberle
Steve Oberle   17 June 2022
Post in Stockholm+50
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Introducing the Tri-Agency Earth Observing Dashboard (EOD) by NASA, ESA, and JAXA...

International collaboration among space agencies is central to the success of satellite Earth observations and data analysis, aiming at providing an accurate and timely information to decision-makers, main stakeholders and public. These partnerships foster more comprehensive measurements, robust datasets, and cost-effective missions (EOD, 2022).

The European Space Agency (ESA), Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) have combined their resources, technical knowledge, and expertise to produce this Earth Observing Dashboard, which strengthens our understanding of global environmental changes and other societal challenges impacting our planet (EOD, 2022).

The dashboard provides an easy-to-use resource for all kinds of public from the scientist to the decision-maker, including people not familiar with satellites. Based on accurate remote sensing observations, the EOD showcases examples of global environmental changes on 7 themes: Atmosphere, Oceans, Biomass, Cryosphere, Agriculture, Covid-19 and Economy. The dashboard offers a precise, objective and factual view without any artifacts of our planet. Users can explore countries and regions around the world to see how the indicators in specific locations changed over time. ESA, JAXA, and NASA will continue to enhance this dashboard as new data becomes available (EOD, 2022).