Sarah Hill
Sarah Hill   29 March 2024
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The IRENA-led session discussed how governments can successfully align Long-Term Energy Scenarios (LTES) and Long-Term Low-Emission Development Strategies (LT-LEDS). After a short presentation on IRENA's findings on LT-LEDS by Dr Asami Miketa (IRENA), Dr Melisande Liu from the CEM Secretariat moderated a panel discussion with two experts Dr Stelios Pesmajoglou, Manager Mitigation Division, UNFCCC Secretariat, and Dr Marius Oosthuizen, Director for Scenarios at the World Energy Council, who shared their thoughts on how governments can ensure that LTEDS reflect the interest and expertise of a wider range of stakeholders, making the planning process more robust and transparent, and thereby building trust and acceptance among the wider public. Following the event, LTES and the UNFCCC Secretariat agreed to explore further opportunities for collaboration, particularly in the area of training countries in the skills needed for LT-LEDS development.