Nitish Narayan
Nitish Narayan   6 September 2022
comments 2

“This study tour is intensive, with every site visit, every Talanoa session we are gaining so much knowledge that we can take back to our countries and share with colleagues, have our own in-country Talanoa session, and design systems that are meaningful and relevant to our island context-a one size fit all design will not resolve our island countries waste issues.

I feel that we in the Pacific need to start small and simple if we are to move from a linear to a circular economy approach as a sustainable solution for the climate change, biodiversity, waste, and pollution issues that we are faced with.

Our current 3R - reduce, reuse, recycle mantra needs to include repurpose, repair, and remodel so we can close the loop but also allow for other initiatives that can have added value.

For us to make that transition towards a circular economy all sectors – public sector, private sector industries, communities and traditional leaders must coordinate and work together with commitment and transparency.

We all can be champions as it begins with us-our small actions that lead to a big impact when it comes to sustainable solutions for our waste issues-but is it really waste or can it be a valuable resource”

Ms Kliu Basilius
Manager Education and Outreach Division
Environmental Quality Protection Board