Nitish Narayan
Nitish Narayan   6 September 2022
comments 4

"The study tour site visits and our Talanoa sessions with regulators are not only informative but also provide us, participants, an opportunity to understand simple yet innovative solutions that we can apply in our own island country context.

We as island countries and as a region need to stop paddling in the grey when deciding on sustainable financing schemes, design, processes, and operation procedures and must commit to it and make a start, we know the problem we see the problem of waste, but we also know the solutions.

If we are to transition towards a Circular Economy it will require genuine partnerships, appropriate resources, commitment to implement initiatives, and involvement of all stakeholders.

It is paramount we work together and maintain the partnership we have built with our private sector and our communities who keep us honest as public servants to serve our people in the Cook Islands.

Ongoing education and awareness through effective communications are always key to keeping all stakeholders informed and engaged while we ride the tide of a circular economy for waste and as we paddle as a team to turn the tide on waste"

Mr Muraai Herman
Senior Environmental Partnerships Co-ordinator
National Environment Service
Cook Islands