
Gustavo Olveyra

A Journey between the River and the Sky

AUTHOR: Gustavo Olveyra
Two small towns with a rich cultural heritage. A wide river with numerous arms…
Brurce Muhammad Mecca

Can tropical rainforests benefit from surging voluntary…

AUTHOR: Brurce Muhammad Mecca & Tiza Mafira
Countries that continuously improve the integrity of their carbon transactions…
Katia Karousakis

Bigger Biodiversity Benefits for your Buck: How economic…

AUTHOR: Katia Karousakis & Edward Perry
Ten million hectares of forest are destroyed each year. Live coral has declined…
Laxmi Adrianna Haigh Circle Economy

Preparing for COP26: How circular are current national…

AUTHOR: Laxmi Adrianna Haigh & Matthew Fraser
Current national climate pledges — Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs…
Luna Dabinovic

Socially Responsible Investing, ESG investing and Impact…

AUTHOR: Luna Dabinovic & Elena Zanotti
Impact as the greatest opportunity of our time In this open letter written to…
Colm Hastings

Educating to Survive in Indonesia: It Starts in the…

AUTHOR: Colm Hastings
The release of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s latest report…
Inger Andersen

SMEs must embrace circularity for businesses and the planet…

AUTHOR: Inger Andersen
This thought piece was originally published in the SME Competitiveness…
Laxmi Adrianna Haigh Circle Economy

The circular European capital you haven't heard about

AUTHOR: Laxmi Adrianna Haigh
This blog was published on 27 July 2021 on the Circle Economy's…

Can circular cities boost biodiversity?

AUTHOR: Claudia Alessio
This blog was originally published on 13 July 2021 on the Circle…
Pamela Coke-Hamilton

Going green to compete: How to empower small businesses in…

AUTHOR: Pamela Coke-Hamilton
In January 2020, few people would have predicted that a virus would bring the…
Janez Potocnik

Supporting a shift towards nature-positive financial flows

AUTHOR: Janez Potočnik & Izabella Teixeira
Huge investment is needed to meet global environmental targets. The Green…
Laxmi Adrianna Haigh Circle Economy

With the circular economy, we can avoid climate catastrophe

AUTHOR: Laxmi Adrianna Haigh
This blog was originally published on 8 July 2021 on the Circle…