Indigenous Reflections

Group 18 members
About this Group

Through generations, indigenous peoples and local communities have gathered knowledge and values about the environment and are the guardians of more than half of the planet's surviving biodiversity.

Although they make up only 5% of the world's population, they manage at least 11% of the world's forests, which accounts for around 80% of the planet's biodiversity. Hence, indigenous people are key actors in environmental protection and climate action.

Indigenous Reflections is a group for digital consultations and dialogues with indigenous people and communities. It will foster interaction and knowledge sharing on indigenous concerns and perspectives on youth, education, and the environment, with the objective of policymakers' being able to read and consult indigenous people publicly.

The goal of Indigenous Reflections is to build a link for indigenous peoples to be involved in discussions about issues ranging from their livelihood to environmental sustainability.

The ability to actively participate in the economic, political, and social aspects of any crisis through social media and the internet has become increasingly important but remains a major barrier for indigenous peoples around the world. There is a considerable divide and gap since not everyone has access to contemporary technologies. The digital divide is the expanding gap between disadvantaged groups in society, notably indigenous and rural communities, who lack internet access.

The group is for indigenous people to interact and share information, so we are asking indigenous youth, people and organisations to join!

In the long run, the group will provide a forum for indigenous youth and communities to voice their ideas and activities to safeguard indigenous rights and play a key role in the global environmental governance.