Tide Turners Community

Group 18 members
About this Group

Young people around the world are increasingly taking the front stage in global environment governance, leading by example and asking their government to act.  

ISLANDS (Implementing Sustainable Low and Non-Chemical Development in Small Island States) aims to fully engage with Youth in SIDS, empowering and supporting young people in their action toward a more sustainable future. 

For this reason, ISLANDS has developed the Tide Turners Plastic Challenge App, supporting the global Tide Turners movement to fight plastic pollution around the world. 

This group is the virtual space for ISLANDS Youth Engagement. Young people are invited to share their experiences and stories on how they are fighting pollution in their countries, their challenges and successes. It is a place to connect with like-minded people, ask for technical support and find useful information.

It is often easy to feel isolated when working for the environment, this group aims to help its members to feel supported and part of a bigger movement. 

This group hosts a number of community based on ISLANDS region, namely Caribbean, Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean.