Blue Economy

Public Discussion 1054 members
About this Discussion

Oceans cover three-quarters of the globe, and a staggering 80% of all life on Earth is found hidden beneath their waves. They also represent an enormous economic opportunity, which is why the “blue economy” is driven by a combination of growing ocean-based industries and jobs as well as concerns about growing pressures on dwindling marine resources and response to climate change.

While traditional maritime industries such shipping, ports, offshore oil and gas, capture fisheries, maritime and coastal tourism continue to innovate, emerging ocean industries are gaining traction. These industries include offshore wind, tidal and wave energy, seabed mining, marine aquaculture and biotechnology. 

However, the predicted growth of the blue economy must not come at the expense of marine ecosystems and biodiversity. As such, a dramatic shift is necessary in how the world develops the ocean’s potentials so as not to compromise the marine resource base on which they rely. A healthy ocean will have more than just economic benefits. It will improve health and well-being, and enhance the resilience of the planet to support a long-term future.